The UPBOARD.IN is your most reliable source for information related to UP Board exams and educational updates.
On, you can find accurate, updated, and comprehensive information related to UP Board exams, results, syllabus, timetable, and other aspects of secondary and higher secondary education under the UP Board. Whether you are a student, parent, or teacher, you can easily access all the educational updates related to the Uttar Pradesh State Board in simple language.
Additionally, this platform provides the latest syllabus, exam dates for Class 10th and 12th, study material for exam preparation, timetable, admit cards, results, center lists, and other important updates related to board exams issued by the Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad, Uttar Pradesh, Prayagraj.
Our Mission
Our goal is to empower students and teachers in Uttar Pradesh by providing accurate and reliable information from time to time, making us a one-stop destination for the following:
Latest UP Board News: Providing updates on the latest announcements, circulars, and guidelines from the Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad (UPBOARD.IN).
Board Exam Preparation Resources: Offering study materials, previous year’s question papers, the latest syllabus, and essential resources for preparing for board exams.
Results & Notifications: Providing timely updates on UP Board results, admit cards, timetables, and all other important notifications related to board exams.
Why Choose Us?
Why Choose Us?
Accuracy: We prioritize accuracy and ensure that all the data on our platform is verified and sourced directly from UPMSP.
Student-Centered Approach: We understand the needs of students and provide simplified explanations and helpful guides to assist them in exam preparation.
Comprehensive Coverage: From Class 9 to Class 12, we cover everything related to UP Board exams, including sample papers, model test papers, exam dates, timetables, admit cards, results, and much more.
We are a dedicated team of teachers, content creators, and experts in the field of education. With years of experience in the UP Board system, we aim to make learning easier and more accessible for students across Uttar Pradesh.
Thank you for choosing as your guide to success in UP Board exams. Together, we can achieve academic excellence!
Author Profile

- Hello, My Name is Divya Pathak. Currently I am a Blogger & Content Creator. I have 4+ years experience in this field. I publish articles on this website “” related to up board exam, up board time table, upmsp up board centre list, up board model paper, up board roll number, up board admit card and other Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad’s & Uttar Pradesh State Board Of Highschool And Intermediate Education’s news.
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